とあるおっさんのVRMMO活動記 Color
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Некий старик и его журнал активности в VRMMO, とあるおっさんのVRMMO活動記, 某大叔的VRMMO活动记, A Certain Middle-Aged Mans VRMMO Activity Log, OVRMMO, The Record by an Old Guy in the world of Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online, To Aru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudo, Toaru Ossan No Vrmmo Katsudouki

Synopsis とあるおっさんのVRMMO活動記

平凡な会社員・田中大地(38歳 独身)は、新型VRMMO「ワンモア・フリーライフ・オンライン」のユーザー名「アース」で遊ぶゲーム好き。

Typical company employee Tanaka Daichi (38 years old, single) loves games and plays a new type of VRMMO called One More Free Life Online under the username Earth. Inside this free world he chose several skills that are generally regarded as useless. Be it wasting time crafting potions, cooking up pointlessly tasty food, or hunting monsters with some absurd weapon he crafted, he simply enjoys playing the game.

Chapter とあるおっさんのVRMMO活動記



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