アルバート家の令嬢は没落をご所望です Color
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La hija de la casa Albert desea la ruina, The Daughter of the Albert House Wishes for Ruin, Благородная дочь дома Альберт желает низвержения., アルバート家の令嬢は没落をご所望です, 阿尔伯特家的大小姐努力朝着没落进发, Albert-ke No Reijou Wa Botsuraku Wo Goshomou Desu

Synopsis アルバート家の令嬢は没落をご所望です


Nobles daughter Mary Albert, in the middle of the school opening ceremony, remembers that this world was an otome game she played in her previous life, and she turns out to be a character from that game. The Mary inside the game was a villain, harassing and interfering with the heroine, and was met with destruction at the end: the so called villainous girls downfall route. And so the obvious reaction is – This isn a joke!? and carefully avoids the destruction end – or not!Instead she trudges headlong towards the destruction end!



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