骨姫ロザリー ~死者の最期を追体験し、力を引き継ぐ~ Color
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骨姫ロザリー ~死者の最期を追体験し、力を引き継ぐ~

骨姫ロザリー ~死者の最期を追体験し、力を引き継ぐ~, Rosalie, the Bone Princess Reliving the Final Moments of the Dead and Inheriting Their Power, Hone Hime Ro the Ri, Honehime Rozari ~shisha No Saigo Wo Tsuitaiken Shi, Chikara Wo Hikitsugu~

Synopsis 骨姫ロザリー ~死者の最期を追体験し、力を引き継ぐ~

Rosalie, a girl who can speak with the dead, has been shunned and feared by people due to her ability. She lives a lonely life, working by communicating with corpses excavated from ruins to gather information. However, her fate takes a dramatic turn when she encounters the remains of Hugo, a death knight once heralded as the strongest, and inherits his power. This is the story of a girl who would one day come to be known as the “Bone Princess” and change the course of the world.

Chapter 骨姫ロザリー ~死者の最期を追体験し、力を引き継ぐ~



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