彼女、お借りします Color
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Rent-A-Girlfriend, Id like to Borrow a Girlfriend, Kanojo、Okarishimasu, 彼女、お借りします, Kanojo, Okarishimasu

Synopsis 彼女、お借りします

日本では、孤独な人たちに新しい活路があります。それは、父親、子供、さ​​らにはガールフレンドまでレンタルしてくれるオンライン サービスです。

In Japan, the lonely have a new way out — online services that rent out dads, children, even girlfriends! When Kazuyas true love dumps him, hes just desperate enough to try it, and hes shocked at how cute and sweet his rental girlfriend turns out to be. But she wants to keep their relationship a secret, and theres a complication… she goes to his university… and their grandmothers are in the same home… and they live next door to each other?! And Kazuya finds out shes not nearly as nice in real life..

Chapter 彼女、お借りします



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