見切りから始める我流剣術 Color
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見切りから始める我流剣術, Mikiri Kara Hajimeru Garyu Ken Jutsu, Mikiri kara Hajimeru Garyū Kenjutsu, Mikiri Kara Hajimeru Garyuu Kenjutsu

Synopsis 見切りから始める我流剣術


Rio, a young boy living in a remote village, has given up on the unreasonable teaching policies of the dojo where all the children in his village attend. Still, in order to survive in this dangerous village, Rio seeks his own way of fighting and decides to create his own style of swordsmanship. Even though he has no talent with a sword, Rio enjoys creating his own unique swordsmanship and never gives up looking for a way to become stronger. With some practical advice from a former adventurer named Khalil, his own style of swordsmanship is steadily taking shape. Then one day, Rio meets a mysterious girl named Siraha in the mountains. From there, his destiny takes a great turn, and he eventually develops an unprecedented art of swordsmanship…! The royal road of sword and sorcery fantasy, where the finely honed art of swordsmanship cuts through everything, is about to begin!



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