無能は不要と言われ『時計使い』の僕は職人ギルドから追い出されるも、ダンジョンの深部で真の力に覚醒する Color
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無能は不要と言われ『時計使い』の僕は職人ギルドから追い出されるも、ダンジョンの深部で真の力に覚醒する, As a Watchmaker, I Was Kicked Out of the Craftsman's Guild Because My Incompetence Was Deemed Unnecessary, but I Awakened to My True Power in the Depths of the Dungeon, 無能は不要と言われ『時計使い』の僕は職人ギルドから追い出されるも、ダンジョンの深部で真の力に覚醒する-仕事が回らないから戻れと言われても今更もう遅い、SSS級冒険者として自由に生きていきます-, Munō wa Fuyō to Iware “Tokeizukai” no Boku wa Shokunin Guild kara Oidasareru mo, Dungeon no Shinbu de Shin no Chikara ni Kakusei Suru, Muno Ha Fuyo to Iware "Tokei Zukai" No Boku Ha Shokunin Gu

Synopsis 無能は不要と言われ『時計使い』の僕は職人ギルドから追い出されるも、ダンジョンの深部で真の力に覚醒する


The Kingdom of Heinburg where even the way of life is determined by the skills given. Cyclo-Owen, who had a promising future as a magic tool engineer, was bestowed with the “ceremony of granting skills” to make and repair clocks. After being banished from the Artisan Guild and falsely accused of being a criminal slave, he was sent to the unexplored dungeon “Deep Hole”. Even there, he was treated as incompetent and pushed to the bottom of the dungeon. When he vowed to take revenge on this world, the true power of the “Clock User” awakens…



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