政略結婚の夫に「愛さなくて結構です」と宣言したら溺愛が始まりました Color
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政略結婚の夫に「愛さなくて結構です」と宣言したら溺愛が始まりました, Seiryaku Kekkon No Otto Ni "Aisanakute Kekkodesu" to Sengen Shitara Dekiai Ga Hajimarimashita, Seiryaku Kekkon No Otto Ni “aisanakute Kekkou Desu” To Sengen Shitara Dekiai Ga Hajimarimashita

Synopsis 政略結婚の夫に「愛さなくて結構です」と宣言したら溺愛が始まりました

Marguerite, the daughter of a count who is oppressed by her family, decides to marry Lucien, the next head of the rival ducal family, by order of the king.Marguerite was treated poorly by her husband, but she didn’t care at all and acted cheerfully.When she saw her state, Lucien, who was supposed to have told her at the beginning, “She has no intention of loving you,” gradually began to open up to her. A love story that begins with a political marriage between two clumsy people!!



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