天獄で悪魔がボクを魅惑する Color
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天獄で悪魔がボクを魅惑する, In the Heavenly Prison, the Devil Enchants Me, Ten Hitoya De Akuma Ga Boku Wo Miwaku Suru, The Devil Fascinates Me In Heavenly Prison, 在天狱般的岛上如同天国一样地被恶魔诱惑着`, Tengoku De Akuma Ga Boku Wo Miwaku Suru

Synopsis 天獄で悪魔がボクを魅惑する

Set on a solitary island in the distant sea, a dangerous school life begins! Kaoru Jahana, a boy who aspires to become a true man, begins his high school life on a solitary island in the sea. There, he meets a charming girl, Kanra, who is actually a demon who feeds on men’s spirits…and it turns out that all the women on this island are the same demons!?



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