裏切られた盗賊、怪盗魔王になって世界を掌握する Color
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裏切られた盗賊、怪盗魔王になって世界を掌握する, Uragirareta Touzoku, Kaitou Maou ni Natte Sekai o Shouaku Suru, Uragirareta Tozoku, Kaito Mao Ni Natte Sekai Wo Shoaku Suru, Uragirareta Touzoku, Kaitou Maou Ni Natte Sekai Wo Shouaku Suru

Synopsis 裏切られた盗賊、怪盗魔王になって世界を掌握する

Keith, a thief, has his family taken prisoner and is forced into a party to defeat the Demon King.Thanks to his efforts, he manages to defeat the Demon King, buthe is betrayed and nearly killed by the King and heroes, who are not happy with Keith.Keith barely escapes with his life, but before he knows it, sinister horns have grown from his head and he has transformed into the “Demon Thief King,” an incarnation of destruction and violence, able to steal everything from others, including their skills and stats!!With the former Demon King’s subordinates, the Four Heavenly Kings, and monsters under his command, he will bring down the hammer on the humans who betrayed him!



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